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The Original SIPO-INPI PPH Pilot Program Will Expire on November 30, 2019, and the New Pilot Program Will be Launched on January 1, 2020


The original SIPO-INPI PPH pilot program was launched on February 1, 2018, with either a duration of two years until January 31, 2020 or expiring at the time when 200 applications are received by SIPO and INPI respectively under the program, whichever occurs first.


Since INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil) has adopted the new PPH cooperation mode recently, it is determined jointly by CNIPA and INPI that the original SIPO-INPI PPH pilot program will expire on November 30, 2019. The two offices will suspend receiving PPH requests from December 1 to December 31, 2019.


The two offices will launch the new pilot program based on the new PPH cooperation mode on January 1, 2020, with a duration of five years until December 31, 2024. After the launch of the new PPH pilot program, applicants should submit PPH requests to the two offices pursuant to the new guidelines. The guidelines will be published prior to the launch of the new pilot program. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)


Source: China IP News

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